I opened this office 4 years ago with the same reason I wanted to be a physical therapist: I wanted to help people. (The idealist in me thought that was a noble way to make a living)

I pledged to my customers that a % of income of Metropolitan Physical Therapy will go to charities and non-profits, and would be transparent where the money would go.

As my company grows, I want to be able to do more in the community to help people in need and help the towns and cities because vibrant places to live.. My long term plan is to have a system where my clients/patients will have a say as to what charities and non-profits are deserving of this money, as I feel they should have a say in it.

This year, I am donating that money to a family whose mother died of stomach cancer, with special instructions that the money specifically goes to the education and immediate needs of her 10 year old daughter. She previously beat a bout of cancer and was declared cancer-free, but the cancer came back and took her life within six months. Obviously, this is very difficult for the family financially.

I felt this family was a worthy cause to support for Metropolitan Physical Therapy.

Thank you everyone who has supported Metropolitan Physical Therapy in the last four years, as you are not only giving us your business, but you are also supporting the your community.

“Your Life Better” in more than one way!